Monitor dockerhub rate limits with grafana
About • Usage • Image Configuration • Local Demo • Helm Chart • Todo • Issues • Acknowledgment
The exporter allows to retrieve the DockerHub rate limit counts as scrape target for Prometheus. The exporter obtains an auth token and then queries the Docker Hub registry with a HEAD request to parse RateLimit-Limit, RateLimit-Remaining and RateLimit-Reset into a Gauge metric. You can use your Docker Hub credentials to authenticate, otherwise an anonymous token is used.
Multi Arch docker images are available (arm/arm64/amd64) you can pull it from dockerhub and run in your environment.
1docker pull khaliq/drl-exporter:latest
3docker run -d -p 2121:2121 khaliq/drl-exporter:latest
5curl localhost:2121/metrics
1# HELP dockerhub_limit_max_requests_time Dockerhub rate limit maximum requests total time seconds
2# TYPE dockerhub_limit_max_requests_time gauge
3dockerhub_limit_max_requests_time 21600
4# HELP dockerhub_limit_max_requests_total Dockerhub rate limit maximum requests in given time
5# TYPE dockerhub_limit_max_requests_total gauge
6dockerhub_limit_max_requests_total 100
7# HELP dockerhub_limit_remaining_requests_time Dockerhub rate limit remaining requests time seconds
8# TYPE dockerhub_limit_remaining_requests_time gauge
9dockerhub_limit_remaining_requests_time 21600
10# HELP dockerhub_limit_remaining_requests_total Dockerhub rate limit remaining requests in given time
11# TYPE dockerhub_limit_remaining_requests_total gauge
12dockerhub_limit_remaining_requests_total 99
To build the image in your local environment
1git clone
2cd drl-exporter
3make docker
Configuration Variables
Variables | Default Value | Discription |
EXPORTER_PORT | 2121 | Server listening port |
ENABLE_USER_AUTH | false️ | Must be set to true if providing username |
DOCKERHUB_USER | "" | Dockerhub account |
DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD | "" | Account password |
DOCKERHUB_REPO_IMAGE | ratelimitpreview/test | custom repository/image |
Local Demo
You can find the complete docker-compose file along with a dashboard under deploy folder to test it out.
1cd deploy/docker-compose
2docker-compose up -d
Web UI
Web | URL |
Grafana | http://localhost:3000 |
Prometheus | http://localhost:9090 |
Exporter | http://localhost:8881 |
Helm Chart
git clone
cd drl-exporter
helm install <release name> deploy/chart --namespace=<desired namespace>
Installing chart with username and password
You can tweak the options for chart by setting values at run time or values.yaml
If you intend to use the exporter with a username and password do remember to set the enableUserAuth=true
as well.
1helm install my-release deploy/chart --set config.dockerhubUsername=<username>,
2config.dockerhubPassword=<password>,config.enableUserAuth=true --namespace=<namespace>
Chart Configuration
Parameter | Description | Default |
config.exporterPort |
Port the deployment exposes | 2121 |
config.enableUserAuth |
Enable metrics for specific dockerhub account | false |
config.dockerhubUsername |
Dockerhub Username | nil |
config.dockerhubPassword |
Dockerhub Password | nil |
serviceMonitor.enabled |
If true, creates a ServiceMonitor instance | false |
serviceMonitor.additionalLabels |
Configure additional labels for the servicemonitor | {} |
serviceMonitor.namespace |
The namespace into which the servicemonitor is deployed. | same as chart namespace |
serviceMonitor.interval |
The interval with which prometheus will scrape | 30s |
serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout |
The timeout for the scrape request | 10s |